
IMPORTANT NOTE: ReSMiQ feels that it is important to provide English versions of its documentation for the scientific community. However, please note that the french version constitutes the official version and takes precedence in case of discrepancy.

ReSMiQ scholarship for post-doctoral fellow

To stimulate collaborative research and to increase exchange of ideas within ReSMiQ, it was decided to set up a ReSMiQ scholarships for post-doctoral fellows as follows.

1. Eligibility conditions

  • The research project must be codirected by at least two (2) professors, regular or associate members of ReSMiQ each affiliated to a partner institution. At least one of them must be a regular member affiliated to a ReSMiQ partner institution (see § 3). Each co-supervisor must be affiliated to different institutions.
  • The applicant must have completed his doctoral studies and have obtained his Ph.D. in the last five (5) years or be in the process of obtaining his Ph.D. within a period of eight (8) month following the end of the competition.
  • The project must be related to the ReSMiQ's research program.
  • A candidate cannot receive this financial support for a period of more than two years (2) years, consecutively or not.
  • The postdoctoral studies cannot be held at the same institution from which the student obtained his Ph.D.
  • The postdoctoral studies cannot be supervised by the directors who were supervising or co-supervising the Ph.D. studies.
  • A candidate cannot be the recipient of a ReSMiQ scholarship or financial support at the time of this competition, and cannot cumulate other scholarships similar to the ones offered by NSERC or FQRNT.

A researcher who has previously been granted a scholarship for postdoctoral fellow from ReSMiQ must describe in the letter of intent the impact that these funds had on his research work.

2. Characteristics

  • Duration of of 1 year.
  • Covering the period from January 1, 2025, to December 31, 2025.
  • Amount of $ 25 000.

3. Selection criteria

  • Be eligible according to the eligibility conditions mentionned above.
  • Excellence of the academic record and research potential.
  • Participation to ReSMiQ's activities (conferences, intensive courses, seminars, symposiums, etc)
  • Applications will be evaluated following these weighted criteria
    • Publications - 45%
    • Research project - 25%
    • Awards, scholarships and distinctions - 10%
    • Other experiences - 10%
    • Application quality - 10%

4. Partner institutions

Are partner of ReSMiQ the following institutions:

  • École Polytechnique de Montréal
  • École de technologie supérieure
  • Université Concordia
  • Université Laval
  • Université McGill
  • Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (UQAC)
  • Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)
  • Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR)
  • Université du Québec en Outaouais (UQO)
  • Université de Sherbrooke

5. Preparing an application:

Each application MUST BE APPROPRIATELY ASSEMBLED AND SUBMITTED IN PDF FORMAT (ONE FILE ONLY) and contain the following information :

  • The application form.
  • An introduction letter (1 page, single-spaced, 12 points) cosigned by the candidate and all supervisors involved
  • A description of the project (2 pages, single-spaced, 12 points).
  • A proof of having obtained a Ph.D. (original official document, or copy certified by one of the co-supervisors) or an official letter stating the expected date of graduation.
  • An updated curriculum vitae of at most four (4) pages containing:
    • Name and firstname
    • Current address
    • At least one phone number
    • An e-mail address
    • Immigration status in Canada
    • Academic training and all degrees obtained thus far
    • Previous experience
    • Publications, patents, distinctions and awards received
    • Any other relevant scientific information.

6. Application

Incomplete or late applications will not be considered, as well as applications that are sent by a person other than the candidate himself.

6.1 Application schedule

The deadline for sending a complete application is December 2, 2024.

6.2 Application information

Submit your application in PDF format via the online submission page.

Incomplete or late applications will not be considered, as well as applications that are sent by a person other than the candidate himself.

7. Results announcement

The results will be sent via email to the candidate with CC to the supervisors. The average delay for results announcement is 4 to 6 weeks from submission deadline.

8. Information

For more information, contact:

Éric Legua, Coordonnateur
Tel. : 514 340-4711 poste 5225
E-mail. :