
Articles (2016)

Sadreazami M, Ahmad MO et Swamy SMN (2016). «Multiplicative Watermark Decoder in Contourlet Domain Using the Normal Inverse Gaussian Distribution», IEEE Transactions on Mutimedia, vol. 18, no 2, p. 196-207

Jaafar W, Tomoaki O, Ajib W et Haccoun D (2016). «Impact of the CSI on the Performance of Cognitive Relay Networks with Partial Relay Selection», IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 65, no 2, p. 673-684

Sadreazami M, Ahmad MO et Swamy SMN (2016). «Multiplicative Watermark Decoder in Contourlet Domain Using the Normal Inverse Gaussian Distribution», IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. 18, no 2, p. 196-207

Sadreazami M, Ahmad MO et Swamy SMN (2016). «A study on image denoising in contourlet domain using the alpha-stable family of distributions», Signal Processing, vol. 128, p. 459-473

Jameel M. A, Fattah SA, Goswami R, Zhu WP et Ahmad MO (2016). «J8. A. S. M. M. Jameel, Shaikh Anowarul Fattah, Rajib Goswami, Wei-Ping Zhu and M. Omair Ahmad, “Noise robust formant frequency estimation method based on spectral model of repeated autocorrel

Naiel M, Ahmad MO, Swamy SMN, Lim J et Yang MH (2016). «Online multi-object tracking via robust collaborative model and sample selection», Computer Vision and Image Understanding, ISSN 1077-3142

Amini M, Ahmad MO et Swamy SMN (2016). «A robust multibit multiplicative watermark decoder using vector-based hidden Markov model in wavelet domain», IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology

Amini M, Ahmad MO et Swamy SMN (2016). «Digital watermark extraction in wavelet domain using hidden Markov model», Multimedia Tools and Applications, DOI: 10.1007/s11042-016-3975-0., p. 1-19

Salama AA, Ahmad MO et Swamy SMN (2016). «Underdetermined DOA estimation using MVDR-weighted LASSO», Sensors 1549, DOI:10.3390/s16091549., vol. 16, no 9, p. 1-29

Amini M, Ahmad MO et Swamy SMN (2016). «A new locally optimum watermark detection using vector-based hidden Markov model in wavelet domain», Signal Processing

Islam M, Shahnaz C, Zhu WP et Ahmad MO (2016). «Rayleigh Modeling of Teager Energy Operated Perceptual Wavelet Packet Coefficients for Enhancing Noisy Speech Communication», Speech Communication Journal

Yadav A, Nguyen T et Ajib W (2016). «Optimal Energy Management in Hybrid Energy Small-Cell Access Points», IEEE Transactions on Communications

Nguyen M, Yadav A, Ajib W et Assi C (2016). «Resource Allocation in Two-Tier Wireless Backhaul Heterogeneous Networks», IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications

Driouch Elmahdi , Ajib W et Assi C (2016). «Power Control And Clustering in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks», Springer Wireless Networks

Benmimoune M, Driouch Elmahdi , Ajib W et Massicotte D (2016). «Novel Transmit Antenna Selection Strategy for Massive MIMO Downlink Channel», Springer Wireless Networks

Mlika Z, Goonewardena M, Ajib W et Elbiaze H (2016). «Femtocell Association in Two-Tier Cellular Networks: Complexity and Efficient Algorithms», IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology

Goonewardena M, Yadav A, Ajib W et Elbiaze H (2016). «Uplink Channel Access for Small Cell Networks: Bayesian Game-Theoretic Approach», Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, vol. 16, no 13, p. 1680-1693

BenRhaiem O, Chaari Fourati L et Ajib W (2016). «Network Coding Based Approach for Efficient Video Streaming Over MANET», Elsevier Computer Networks, vol. 103, p. 84-100

Goonewardena M et Ajib W (2016). «Distributed Joint Admission and Power Control and Existence of Equilibrium for Dense Small-cells», IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 5, no 2, p. 188-191

Williams C, Banan B, Cowan G et Liboiron-Ladouceur O (2016). «Mode-Division Multiplexing for Source-Synchronous On-Chip Optical Interconnects», IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, vol. 22, no 6

Nolet F, Rhéaume VP, Parent S, Charlebois S, Fontaine R et Pratte JF (2016). «A 2D Proof of Principle towards a 3D Digital SiPM in HV CMOS with Low Output Capacitance», IEEE TNS, vol. 63, no 4, p. 2293-2299

Charest J, Beaudoin JF, Bergeron M, Cadorette J, Arpin L, Lecomte R, Brunet CA et Fontaine R (2016). «Impacts of Intelligent Automated Quality Control on a Small Animal APD-Based Digital PET Scanner», IEEE TNS2

Convert L, Lebel R, Gascon S, Fontaine R et Pratte JF (2016). «Real Time Microfluidic Blood Counting System for PET and SPECT Preclinical Pharmacokinetic Studies», Journal of nuclear medicine

Bouchard J, Lemaire W, Samson A, Paulin C, Pratte JF, Bérubé-Lauzière Y et Fontaine R (2016). «A Low-Cost Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting System for Multi-View Time-Domain Diffuse Optical Tomography», IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measur

Pham D, Gagnon G, Gagnon F, Desgreys P et Loumeau P (2016). «Hardware Implementation of Subsampled Adaptive Subband Digital Predistortion Algorithm», Springer Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing

Lezzoum N, Gagnon G et Voix J (2016). «Echo Threshold between Passive and Electro-Acoustic Transmission Paths in Digital Hearing Protection Devices», International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, vol. 53, p. 372-379

Carbonneau MA, Granger É, Raymond A et Gagnon G (2016). «Robust Multiple-Instance Learning Ensembles Using Random Subspace Instance Selection», Pattern Recognition, vol. 58, p. 83-99

Nijsure Y, Kaddoum G, Mallat N, Gagnon G et Gagnon F (2016). «Cognitive Chaotic UWB-MIMO Detect-Avoid Radar for Autonomous UAV Navigation», IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 17, no 11, p. 3121-3131

Lezzoum N, Gagnon G et Voix J (2016). «Noise reduction of speech signals using time-varying and multi-band adaptive gain control for smart digital hearing protectors», Applied Acoustics, vol. 109, p. 37-43

Ben Kilani M, Nijsure Y, Gagnon G, Kaddoum G et Gagnon F (2016). «Cognitive Waveform and Receiver Selection Mechanism for Multistatic Radar», IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, vol. 10, no 2, p. 417-425

Nijsure Y, Kaddoum G, Gagnon G, Gagnon F, Yuen C et Mahapatra R (2016). «Adaptive Air-to-Ground Secure Communication System based on ADS-B and Wide Area Multilateration», IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 65, no 5, p. 3150-3165

Mirbozorgi A, Bahrami Abarghouei H, Sawan M et Gosselin B (2016). «A Smart Cage with Uniform Wireless Power Distribution in 3D for Enabling Long-Term Experiments with Freely Moving Animals», IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, vol. 10, p

Mirbozorgi A, Bahrami Abarghouei H, Sawan M, Rusch L et Gosselin B (2016). «A Single-Chip Full-Duplex High Speed Transceiver for Multi-Site Stimulating and Recording Neural Implants», IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, vol. 10, p. 643-6

Bahrami Abarghouei H, Mirbozorgi A, Gosselin B et Rusch L (2016). «System Level Design of a Full-Duplex Wireless Transceiver for Brain-Machine Interfaces», IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 64, p. 3332-3341

Gorgutsa S, Khalil M, Bélanger-Garnier V, Viens J, Gosselin B, LaRochelle S et Messaddeq Y (2016). «Emissive Performance of Wearable RF Textiles Made from Multi-Material Fibers», IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 64, p. 2457-2464

Porter E, Bahrami Abarghouei H, Gosselin B, Rusch L et Popovic M (2016). «A Wearable Microwave Antenna Array for Time-Domain Breast Tumor Screening», IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 35, p. 1501-1509

Gagnon-Turcotte G, LeChasseur Y, Bories C, De Koninck Y et Gosselin B (2016). «A Wireless Headstage for Combined Optogenetics and Multichannel Electrophysiological Recording», IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems

Mirbozorgi A, Bahrami Abarghouei H, Sawan M et Gosselin B (2016). «Analysis and Comparison of Multi-Resonator Wireless Power Transmission Array Topologies», IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics

Boga K, Leduc-Primeau F, Onizawa N, Matsumiya K, Hanyu T et Gross W (2016). «A Generalized Stochastic Implementation of the Disparity Energy Model for Depth Perception», Journal of Signal Processing Systems

El Kurdi Y, Fernandez D, Gross W et Giannacopoulos D (2016). «Acceleration of the Finite Element Gaussian Belief Propagation Solver Using Minimum Residual Techniques», IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 52, no 3, p. 1-4

Giard P, Sarkis G, Leroux C, Thibeault C et Gross W (2016). «Low-Latency Software Polar Decoders», Journal of Signal Processing Systems

Giard P, Sarkis G, Thibeault C et Gross W (2016). «Multi-mode Unrolled Architectures for Polar Decoders», IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, vol. 63, no 9, p. 1443-1453

Giard P, Balatsoukas-Stimming A, Sarkis G, Thibeault C et Gross W (2016). «Fast Low-Complexity Decoders for Low-Rate Polar Codes», Journal of Signal Processing Systems

Hashemi S, Condo C et Gross W (2016). «A Fast Polar Code List Decoder Architecture based on Sphere Decoding», IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I

Leduc-Primeau F, Gripon V, Rabbat M et Gross W (2016). «Fault-Tolerant Associative Memories Based on c-Partite Graphs», IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 64, no 4, p. 829-841

Onizawa N, Jarollahi H, Hanyu T et Gross W (2016). «Hardware Implementation of Associative Memories Based on Multiple-Valued Sparse Clustered Networks», IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, Special Issue on Multiple-Valued

Sarkis G, Giard P, Vardy A, Thibeault C et Gross W (2016). «Fast List Decoders for Polar Codes», IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 34, no 2, p. 318-328

Sarkis G, Tal I, Giard P, Vardy A, Thibeault C et Gross W (2016). «Flexible and Low-Complexity Encoding and Decoding of Systematic Polar Codes», IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 64, no 7, p. 2732-2745

Hemati S, Leduc-Primeau F et Gross W (2016). «A Relaxed Min-Sum LDPC Decoder with Simplified Check Nodes», IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 20, no 3, p. 422-425

Tsopela A, Izquierdo R et al. (2016). «Development of a lab-on-chip electrochemical biosensorfor water quality analysis based on microalgal photosynthesis», Biosensors and Bioelectronics, vol. 79, no 15, p. 568-573

Ndiaye J, Hmam O, Tavares A, Szkopek T, Izquierdo R et Siaj M (2016). «One-step In-Situ Core-Shell SiC@Graphene Nanoparticles Growth by Chemical Vapor Deposition», Adv. Mater. Interfaces, vol. 1500806

Brisebois P, Kuss C, Schougaard S, Izquierdo R et Siaj M (2016). «New Insights into the Diels–Alder Reaction of Graphene Oxide», Chem. Eur. Jounal, vol. 22, p. 1-5

Kim M, Izquierdo R et al. (2016). «Covellite CuS nanocrystals: realizing rapid microwave-assisted synthesis in air and unraveling the disappearance of their plasmon resonance after coupling with carbon nanotubes», Nanoscale Journal, vol. 8, p. 12946-12957

Deepak T, Xu Z, Yanlong L, Izquierdo R et Ma D (2016). «Recent advancements in plasmon-enhanced promising third-generation solar cells», Nanophotonics Journal, DOI 10.1515/nanoph-2016-0111

Kassis M, Xiao Y, Kabir M et Khazaka R (2016). «Passive Reduced Order Macromodeling based on Loewner Matrix Interpolation», IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech, p. 2423-2432

Kabir M et Khazaka R (2016). «Loewner Matrix Macromodeling for Y -Parameter Data with a priori D Matrix Extraction», IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech, p. 4098-4107

Kengne E, Shehou A et Lakhssassi A (2016). «Dynamics of matter-wave solitons in Bose-Einstein condensates with time-dependent scattering length and complex potentials», THE EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 89, no 78, p. 13 p.

Lakhssassi A, Palenychka R, Savaria Y, Saydé M et Zaremba MB (2016). «Monitoring thermal stress in wafer-scale integrated circuits by the attentive vision method using an infrared camera», IEEE Trans. on Systems and Circuits for Video Technology, vol. 26,

Kengne E, Abdourahman S et Lakhssassi A (2016). «Dynamics of modulated waves in a dissipative nonlinear network with nonlinear dispersion», Elsevier: Chinese Journal of Physics, vol. 54, p. 352-364

Nour M, Bougataya M, Kengne E, El Guemhioui K et Lakhssassi A (2016). «Framework of the Bio-Heat Transfer for Laser/Cancer Treatment», International Journal of Pharma Medicine and Biological Sciences, vol. 5, no 4

Vakili S, Langlois P et Bois G (2016). «Accuracy-aware processor customization for fixed-point applications», IET Computers & Digital Techniques

Farah R, Langlois P et Bilodeau GA (2016). «Computing a rodent's diary DOI 10.1007/s11760-015-0776-2.», Signal, Image and Video Processing (Springer)

Seoud L, Hurtut T, Chelbiy J, Cheriet F et Langlois P (2016). «Red Lesions Detection using Dynamic Shape Features for Automatic Screening of Diabetic Retinopathy», IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging

Bendaoudi H, Cheriet F, Manraj A, Ben Tahar H et Langlois P (2016). «Flexible architectures for retinal blood vessel segmentation in high resolution fundus images, DOI 10.1007/s11554-016-0661-4», Journal of Real Time Image Processing