
El-Gamal, Mourad
Université McGill
Membre régulier

Description du programme de recherche

The long-term objective is to investigate and propose new architectures for high-frequency receivers/transmitters (transceivers) for wireless systems, which facilitate high levels of transceiver integration in CMOS, bipolar, and SiGe technologies. We will be working on both the RF receiver and transmitter paths. In addition, we will work on the design of supporting high-frequency digital circuitry and baseband high-frequency analog filters. In order to successfully realize integrated circuits in the GHz range, it is imperative to have accurate passive and active device models suitable for these applications. We will continue our work on device modeling and characterization (e.g. inductors, transformers, varactors, transistors etc.)

Cours offerts

ECSE536 - RF Microelectronics (3 cr.)

Collaboration au sein du ReSMiQ

Nabki, Frédéric - École de technologie supérieure
Zilic, Zeljko - Université McGill


Université McGill
Département de génie Électrique et d'Informatique
3480 rue Université, bureau 633
Montréal (Québec) H3A-2A7
Téléphone: (514) 398-7491
Télécopieur: (514) 398-4470
Adresse de courrier électronique: mourad@macs.ece.mcgill.ca