Gross, Warren J.
Université McGill
Membre régulier
Description du programme de recherche
His research interests are in the design and applications of signal processing microsystems, VLSI design, coding theory, and computer architecture.
Signal processing microsystems
Recent work has focused on the efficient implementation of decoders that incorporate "soft" information in the decoding process. In particular, the soft-input-soft-output MAP algorithm, used in turbo codes, and soft-decision Reed-Solomon decoders.
Application-specific computing
This work involves the development of architectures and implementations to solve computing problems in a variety of application domains. We are particularly interested in FPGA-based computing.
Collaboration au sein du ReSMiQ
Thibeault, Claude
- École de technologie supérieure
Zilic, Zeljko
- Université McGill
Collaboration hors ReSMiQ
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Gaudet, Vincent- University of Alberta
Université McGill
Département de génie Électrique et d'Informatique
3480 rue Université, McConnell Engineering Building, bureau 505
Montréal (Québec) H3A-2A7
Téléphone: (514) 398-2812
Télécopieur: (514) 398-4470
Adresse de courrier électronique: