Zhu, Wei-Ping
Université Concordia
Membre associé
Description du programme de recherche
It is well recognized that both high data rate and robustness to fading can be achieved, without increasing the total transmission power or bandwidth, by employing the multiple input multiple output (MIMO) technology to exploit the spatial diversity in wireless environments. Meanwhile, the common frequency-selective problem of wireless channels can be solved by the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) technique without the need of complex equalization. In this research program, we are focused on signal processing algorithms and their real-time DSP and FPGA implementation for MIMO and OFDM wireless communication systems. In particular, we will investigate some challenging signal processing issues arising from the highly complex structure of MIMO-OFDM systems. These issues include fast processing of the matrices and vectors required by the transmission of high-rate data streams over MIMO channels, estimation and tracking of fast-varying channel characteristics, real-time processing of MIMO-OFDM signals with a large number of carriers, and MIMO relay networks. The objective of this research program is to develop efficient real-time signal processing methods toward FPGA and DSP prototypes for broad-band wireless systems.
Collaboration au sein du ReSMiQ
Ahmad, M. Omair
- Université Concordia
Massicotte, Daniel
- Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Swamy, Srikanta M. N.
- Université Concordia
Collaboration hors ReSMiQ
Prof. Yang, Luxi- Southeast University, China
Prof. Meng, Qingmin- Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunication
Prof. Wang, Jiangzhou- University of Kent in Canterbury, U.K.
Université Concordia
Département de génie Électrique et d'Informatique
1515 St. Catherine W., EV005.225
Montréal (Québec) H3G 2W1
Téléphone: (514) 848-2424 poste 4132
Télécopieur: (514) 848-2802
Adresse de courrier électronique: weiping@ece.concordia.ca