
Ahmad, M. Omair
Université Concordia
Membre régulier

Description du programme de recherche

Because of the recent advances in the semiconductor technology, efficient hardware designs of increasingly large number of signal processing functions necessary for real-time implementation of multimedia tasks are now possible. However, the quest continues to be for new approaches leading to custom and semi-custom designs with higher performance in terms of accuracy, speed, power, area and functionality. The objective of this research program is to investigate new techniques for high performance ASIC and FPGA designs and implementations of signal processing algorithms necessary for multimedia communication systems. Specifically, this research aims at the design and implementation of (a) algorithms and architectures for on-line computation of discrete wavelet, Fourier, sine, cosine and Hartley transforms, (b) DA-RNS FIR filters and pipelined LMS adaptive filters, and (c) a low-power systolic array-based adaptive Viterbi decoder

Axes et thèmes

  • Axe 1: Microsystèmes pour les technologies de l’information et de télécommunications.
    • Thème 1.1: Communication networks for microelectronic systems and sensors-actuators.
    • Thème 1.2: Signal processing, audio, video, security, reliability and quality of service.

    Collaboration au sein du ReSMiQ

    Swamy, Srikanta M. N. - Université Concordia
    Wang, Chunyan - Université Concordia
    Zhu, Wei-Ping - Université Concordia


    Université Concordia
    Département de génie Électrique et d'Informatique
    1455, Boul. De Maisonneuve O.
    Montréal (Québec) H3G 1M8
    Téléphone: (514) 848-2424 poste 3075
    Télécopieur: (514) 848-2802
    Adresse de courrier électronique: omair@ece.concordia.ca