

Articles (2009)

Abdullah N, Akbarpour B et Tahar S (2009). "Error Analysis and Verificaiton of an IEEE 802.11 OFDM Modem using Theorem Proving", Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 242, no 2, p. 3-30

Abdullah N, Akbarpour B et Tahar S (2009). "Probabilistic Analysis of Wireless Systems using Theorem Proving", Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science , vol. 242, no 2, p. 43-58

Abed S et Ait Mohamed O (2009). "LCF-style Platform based on Multiway Decision Graphs", Electronic Notes in Theoritical Computer Science (ENTCS), vol. 246, no 3, p. 3-26

Abed S, Ait Mohamed O et Al Sammane G (2009). "An Abstract Reachability Approach by Combining HOL Induction and Multiway Decision Graphs", Journal of Computer Science and Technology, vol. 24, no 1, p. 76-95

Agudelo CG, Packirisamy M, Zhu G et Saydy L (2009). "Nonlinear control of an electrostatic micromirror beyond pull-in with an experimental validation", IEEE Journal of Microelectromech. Syst., vol. 18, no 4, p. 905-913

Akbarpour B, Abdel-Hamid A, Tahar S et Harrison J (2009). "Verifying a Synthesized Implementation of the IEEE-754 Floating Point Exponential Function using HOL", Computer Journal, p. 1-24

Amiri A, Boukadoum M et Khouas A (2009). "A Multihit Time-to-Digital Converter Architecture on FPGA", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 58, no 3, p. 530-540

Amiri A, Khouas A et Boukadoum M (2009). "Pseudorandom Stimuli Generation for Testing Time-to-Digital Converters on FPGA", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 59, no 8, p. 2209-2216

Batista L, Granger É et Sabourin R (2009). "Improving the Performance of HMM-Based Off-Line Signature Verification Systems through a Multihypothesis Approach", International Journal of Document Analysis and Recognitiion

Bérard P, Bergeron M, Pepin C, Cadorette J, Tétrault M, Viscogliosi N, Fontaine R, Dautet H, Davis M, Deschamps P et Lecomte R (2009). "Development of a 64-channel APD Detector Module with Individual Pixel Readout for Submillimeter Spatial Resolution in P

Bergeron E, Perron L, Feeley M et David JP (2009). "Logarithmic Time FPGA Bitstream Analysis: a Step Towards JIT Hardware Compilation", ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems

Bergeron M, Cadorette JF, Beaudoin JF, Lepage M, Robert G, Selivanov V, Tétrault MA, Viscogliosi N, Norenberg JP, Fontaine R et Lecomte R (2009). "Performance Evaluaton of the LabPETTM APD-based Digital PET Scanner", IEEE Transaction on Nuclear Science, v

Bergeron M, Pepin C, Arpin L, Leroux J, Tétrault N, Viscogliosi N, Fontaine R et Lecomte R (2009). "A Handy Timing Alignment Probe for PET Scanners", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, vol. 599, p. 113-117

Beucher N, Bélanger N, Savaria Y et Bois G (2009). "High Acceleration for Video Application Using Specialized Instruction Set based on Parallelism and Date Reuse", Journal of Signal Processing Systems, vol. 56, no 23, p. 151-165

Bhuiyan M, Ahmad MO et Swamy SMN (2009). "Spatially-Adaptive Thresholding in Wavelet Domain for Despeckling of Ultrasound Images", IET Image Processing, vol. 3, no 3, p. 147-162

Bouguezel S, Ahmad MO et Swamy SMN (2009). "A New Class of Reciprocal-Transpose Parametric Transforms", IEEE Transactins on Circuits and Systems-Part I, vol. 56, no 4, p. 795-805

Chan H et Zilic Z (2009). "Performance Driven Circuit and Layout Co-optimisation for Deep-Submicron Analog Circuits", Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 60, no 1-2, p. 43-55

Chartier S, Boukadoum M et Amiri M (2009). "BAM Learning of Nonlinearly Separable Tasks by using an Asymmetrical Output Function and Reinforcement Learning", IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol. 20, no 8, p. 1281-1292

Chatelain B, Bélanger M, Tremblay C, Gagnon F et Plant D (2009). "Topological Wavelength Usage Estimation in Trnasparent Wide Area Networks", Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, Journal of Opticla Communications and Networking, vol. 1, no 1,

Chopp P et Hamoui A (2009). "Analysis of clock-jitter effects in continuous time ΔΣ modulators using discrete-time models", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I, vol. 56, no 6, p. 1134-1145

Chopp P et Hamoui A (2009). "Design constraints for image-reject frequency-translating ΔΣ modulators", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems - II, vol. 56, no 12, p. 896-900

Claveau D et Wang C (2009). "Space-variant motion detection for active visual target tracking", Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Elsevier, vol. 57, no 1, p. 11-22

Cyr A, Boukadoum M et Poirier P (2009). "AI-SIMCOG: A Simulator for Spiking Neurons and Multiple Animats' Behaviours", Neural Computing and Applications, vol. 18, no 5, p. 431-446

Deslandes D et Boone F (2009). "An Iterative Design Procedure for the Synthesis of Generalized Dual-Bandpass Filters", International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer Aided Engineering, vol. 9, no 5, p. 607-614

Deslandes D, Boone F et Wu K (2009). "Composite Corporate Traveling-Wave Power Dividers for Slot Array Waveguide Antennas", IEEE International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering , vol. 19, p. 177-186

El-Bazzal Z, Agba B, Kadoch M, Gagnon F et Bennani M (2009). "Improving the performance and QoS in mobile ad hoc networks based on clustering approach", JCOMSS Journal

Fattah S, Zhu WP et Ahmad MO (2009). "Band Adaptive Formant Frequency Estimation from Noisy Speech in Correlation Domain", Canadian Acoustics, vol. 37, no 3, p. 92-93

Fernandez D, Giannacopoulos D et Gross W (2009). "Efficient Multicore Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication for FE Electromagnetics", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 45, no 3, p. 1392-1395

Fontaine R, Bélanger F, Viscogliosi N, Semmaoui H, Tétrault MA, Michaud JB, Pepin C, Cadorette J et Lecomte R (2009). "The hardware and signal processing of the labTEPtm, a Small Animal APD-based Digital PET Scanner", IEEE Transaction on Nuclear Science,

Gagnon G, Choquette F, Belzile J et Gagnon F (2009). "Minimization of carrier frequency acquisition time in QAM systems", Electronics Letters, vol. 45, no 5, p. 276-277

Gawanmeh A, Bouhoula S et Tahar S (2009). "Rank Functions based Inference System for Group Key Management Protocols Verification", International Journal of Network Security, vol. 8, no 2, p. 187-198

Ghafar-Zadeh E et Sawan M (2009). "CMOS Based Capacitive Sensor Laboratory-on-Chip: A Multidisciplinary Approach", Springer Analog ICs & Signal Proc. J.,, vol. 59, no 1, p. 1-12

Ghafar-Zadeh E et Sawan M (2009). "Toward Fully Integrated Lab-on-Chip: Design, Assembly and Experimental Results", Int. Journal of Advanced Media and Communications (IJAMC), vol. 3, no 1-2, p. 154-166

Ghafar-Zadeh E, Sawan M et Chodavarapu V (2009). "Micro-organism-on-Chip: Emerging Direct-Write CMOS-based Platform for Biological Applications", IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits & Systems, vol. 3, p. 212-219

Ghafar-Zadeh E, Sawan M et Therriault D (2009). "A Microfluidic Packaging Technique for Lab-on-Chip Applications", IEEE Trans. on Advanced Packaging, vol. 32, no 2, p. 410-416

Ghafar-Zadeh E, Sawan M, Therriault D, Rajagopalan S et Chodavarapu V (2009). "A direct-write microfluidic fabrication process for CMOS-based Lab-on-Chip applications", Microelectronic Engineering, vol. 86, p. 2104-2109

Girodias B, Bouchebaba Y, Nicolescu EG, Aboulhamid EM, Paulin P et Lavigueur B (2009). "Multiprocessor, Multithreading and Memory Optimization for On-Chip Multimedia Applications", Journal of Signal Processing Systems, vol. 57, p. 263-283

Girodias B, Bouchebaba Y, Nicolescu EG, Paulin P et Aboulhamid EM (2009). "Multiprocessor, Multithreading and Memory Optimization for On-Chip Multimedia Applications", Journal of Signal Processing Systems, vol. 57, no 2, p. 263-283

Gosselin B et Sawan M (2009). "A low-power integrated neural interface with ditgital spike detection and extraction", Springer Analog IC and SP Journal

Gosselin B et Sawan M (2009). "An Ultra Low-Power CMOS Automatic Action Potential Detector", IEEETrans. on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering, vol. 17, no 4, p. 346-353

Gosselin B, Ayoub A, Roy JF, Sawan M, Lepore F, Chaudhuri A et Guitton D (2009). "A Mixed-Signal Multi-Chip Neural Recording Interface with Bandwidth Reduction", IEEETrans. on Biomedical Circuits& Systems, vol. 3, no 3, p. 129-141

Hajj-Hassan M, Chodavarapu V et Musallam S (2009). "Microfabrication for Ultra-long Reinforced Silicon Neural Electrodes", Micro & Nano Letters, vol. 4, p. 53-58

Hajj-Hassan M, Chodavarapu V et Musallam S (2009). "Reinforced Silicon Neural Microelectrode Array Fabricated using Commercial MEMS process", SPIE Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS, vol. 8

Hamdane W, Kouki A et Gagnon F (2009). "Bandwidth Efficient Filtered MSK Modulation for Efficient Power Amplification", European Transactions on Telecommuncations

Hasan O et Tahar S (2009). "Formal Verification of Tail Distribution Bounds in the HOL Theorem Prover", Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, vol. 32, no 4, p. 480-504

Hasan O et Tahar S (2009). "Performance Analysis and Functional Verification of the Stop-and-Wait Protocol in HOL", Journal of Automated Reasoning, vol. 42, no 1, p. 1-33

Hasan O et Tahar S (2009). "Probabilistic Analysis of Wireless Systems using Theorem Proving", Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 242, no 2, p. 43-58

Hashemi S, Sawan M et Savaria Y (2009). "A novel low-drop CMOS active rectifier for RF-powered devices: Experimental results", Microelectronics Journal - Elsevier

Ho Q et Massicotte D (2009). "VLSI Implementation of an Adaptive Multiuser Detector for Multirate WCDMA Systems", Journal of Signal Processing Systems

Jego C et Gross W (2009). "Turbo Decoding of Product Codes using Belief Propagation", IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 57, no 10, p. 2864-2867

Junnarkar S, O'Connor P, Vaska P et Fontaine R (2009). "FPGA-based self-calibrating time-to-digital converter for time-of-flight experiments Part 3", IEEE Transaction on Nuclear Science, vol. 56, no 4, p. 2374-2379

Khriech W et Granger É (2009). "On the Memory Complexity of the Forward-Backward Algorithm", Pattern Recognition Letters

Koo JJ, Evans A et Gross W (2009). "3D Brain MRI Tissue Classification in FPGAs", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 18, no 12, p. 2735-2746

Kostka D et Abhari R (2009). "Experimental Evaluation of Printed Circuit Board and On-Chip Inductor Loops Backed by AMC Surfaces", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters (AWPL), vol. 8, p. 720-723

Latombe G, Granger É et Dilkes F (2009). "Fast Learning of Grammatical Probabilities in Radar Electronic Support", IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems

Le-Huy P et Roy S (2009). "Low Power Wake Up Radio for Wireless Sensor Networks", Mobile Networks and Applications

Leroux J, Rouleau D, Pepin C, Cadorette J, Fontaine R et Lecomte R (2009). "Time determination of BGO-APD detectors by digital signal processing for Positron Emission Tomography", OEEE TMSV56 (5), vol. 56, no 5, p. 2600-2606

Leroux JD, Tétrault M, Rouleau D, Pepin C, Michaud J, Cadorette J, Fontaine R et Lecomte R (2009). "Time Discrimination Techniques using Artifical Neural Networks for Positron Emission Tomography", IEEE Transaction on Nuclear Science, vol. 56, no 3, p. 58

Lévesque M, Langlois P, Lema P, Courtemanche R, Bilodoeau GA et Carmant L (2009). "Synchronized Gamma Oscillatin (30-50Hz) in the Amygdalo-Hippocampal Network in Relation with Seizure Propagation and Severity", Neurobiology of Disease, vol. 35, no 2, p. 2

Lévesque P et Sawan M (2009). "Real-time hand-held ultrasound medical imaging device based on a new digital quadrature demodulation processor", IEEE Trans. on Ultrasound and Acoustic Imaging, vol. 56, no 8, p. 1654-1665

Mahmood S et Kabir Z (2009). "Modeling of transient and steady-state dark current in amorphous silicon p-i-n photodiodes", Current Applied Physics, vol. 9, p. 1393-1396

Mahmood S, Murthy R, Kabir Z et Dutta V (2009). "The role of bulk and interface states on performance of a-Si:H p-i-n solar celles using reverse current-voltage technique", J. Phys. D: Applied Physics, vol. 42

Mahoney P, Savaria Y, Bois G et Plante P (2009). "Performance Characterization for the Implementation of Content Addressable Memories Based on Parallel Hashing Memories", Transactions on High Performance Embedded Architectures and Compilers II, p. 307-325

Marche D, Savaria Y et Gagnon Y (2009). "An Improved Switch Compensation Technique for Inverted R-2R Ladder DACs", IEEE Transactions on CAS I, vol. 56, no 6, p. 1115-1124

Martel S (2009). "Nanorobots for microfactories to operations in the human body and robots propelled by bacteria", Journal Facta Universitatis Series Mechanics Automatic Control & Robotics Special Issue on Control of Active and Robotic Systems, vol. 7, no

Martel S, Felfoul O, Mathieu JB, Chanu A, Tamaz S, Mohammadi M, Mankiewicz M et Tabatabaei N (2009). "MRI-based nanorobotic platform for the control of magnetic nanoparticles and flagellated bacteria for target interventions in human capillaries", Interna

Martel S, Mohammadi M, Felfoul O, Lu Z et Pouponneau P (2009). "Flagellated magnetotactic bacteria as controlled MRI-trackable propulsion and steering systems for medical nanorobots operating in the human microvasculature", International Journal of Roboti

Mathieu JB et Martel S (2009). "Aggregation of magnetic microparticles in the context of targeted therapies actuated by a magnetic resonance imaging system", Journal of Applied Physics, p. 1-7

Mathieu JB et Martel S (2009). "MRI Steering of aggregating magnetic microparticles for enhanced therapeutic efficacy in cancer targeting", Magnetic Resonance in Medicine

Metzger M, Anane F, Rousseau J, Vachon J et Aboulhamid EM (2009). "Introspection mechanisms for runtime verification in a system-level design environment", Microelectronics Journal, Elsevier, vol. 40, p. 1124-1134

Miled M, Sawan M et Ghafar-Zadeh E (2009). "A Dynamic Decoding Algorithm For First-Order DC Input ΣΔ Modulators", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 57, no 10, p. 4076-4084

Moradi A, Raut R et Cowan G (2009). "Temperature compensation of Gm-C filters using resistive bridge", Electronic Letters, vol. 46, no 18, p. 921-923

Morin-Allory K, Boule M, Borrione D et Zilic Z (2009). "Validating Assertion Language Rewrite Rules and Semantics with Automated Theorem Provers", IEEE Transactions on Computer Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, p. 56-63

Nabki F, Allidina K, Ahmad F, Cicek P et El-Gamal M (2009). "A highly integrated 1.8 GHz frequency synthesizer based on a MEMs resonator", IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, p. 2154-2168

Naderi A, Sawan M et Savaria Y (2009). "A Low-power 2-GHz Data Conversion using Delta Modulation for Portable Application", Elsevier Microelectronics Journal, vol. 42, no 1, p. 68-76

Najmabadi M, Devabhaktuni V, Sawan M, Mayrand S et Fallone C (2009). "A New Approach to Analysis and Modeling of Esophageal Manometry Data in Humans", IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Eng., vol. 56, no 7, p. 1821-1830

Payandehjoo K et Abhari R (2009). "Employing EBG Structures in Multi-Antenna Systems for Improving Isolation and Diversity Gain", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters (AWPL)

Pouponneau P, Leroux JC et Martel S (2009). "Magnetic nanoparticles encapsulated into biodegradable microparticles steered with an upgraded magnetic resonance imaging system for tumor chemoembolization", Biomaterials, vol. 30, no 31, p. 6327-6332

Rahman S, Ahmad MO et Swamy SMN (2009). "A New Statistical Detector for DWT-Based Additive Image Watermarking Using the Gauss-Hermite Expansion", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 18, no 8, p. 1782-1796

Rahman S, Ahmad MO et Swamy SMN (2009). "Contrast-based fusion of noisy images using discrete wavelet transform", IET Image Processing

Rechka S, Fontaine R, Lecomte R et Rafecas M (2009). "Development and Validation of a GATE Simulation Model for the LabPET Scanner", IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol. 56, no 6, p. 3672-3679

Sampath M, Dounavis A et Khazaka R (2009). "Parameterized model order reduction Techniques for FEM based fullwave analysis", IEEE Trans on Advanced Packaging, p. 2-12

Sawan M, Hashemi S, Sehil M, Awwad F, Hajj-Hassan M et Khouas A (2009). "Multicoils-based inductive links dedicated to power up implantable medical devices: modeling, desing and experimental results", Biomedical Microdevices, vol. 11, no 5, p. 1059-1070

Semmaoui H, Tétrault M, Lecomte R et Fontaine R (2009). "Signal Deconvolution Concept Combined with Cubic Spline Interplation Technique Applied to Determine Arrival Time of Events in Phoswich Detectors", IEEE Transaction on Nuclear Science, vol. 56, no 3,

Shahnaz C, Zhu WP et Ahmad MO (2009). "A Residual-Cestrum Method of Pitch Estimation from Noisy Speech ", Canadian Acoustics, vol. 37, no 3, p. 90-91

Shi L, Pottier P, Skorobogatiy M et Peter YA (2009). "Tunable structures comprising two photonic crystal slabs - optical study in view of multi-analyte enhanced detection", Opt. Express, vol. 17, no 13, p. 10623-10632

Simard S, Beguenane R et Mailloux JG (2009). "Performance Evaluation of Rotor Flux-oriented Control on FPGA for Advanced AC Drives", Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, vol. 21, no 1, p. 113-120

Song I, Peter YA et Meunier M (2009). "Resonant frequency sensitive MEMs bandpass filter using capacitive sensing scheme", Microsystem Technologies, vol. 15, no 7, p. 973-979

St-Gelais R, Masson J et Peter YA (2009). "All-silicon integrated Fabry-Perot cavity for volume refractive index measurement in microfluidic systems", Applied Physics Letters, vol. 94, no 24

Suntives A et Abhari R (2009). "Design and Application of Multimode Substrate Integrated Waveguides in Parallel Multichannel Signaling Systems", IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech, vol. 57, p. 1563-1571

Taherzadeh-Sani M et Hamoui A (2009). "Area and power optimization of high-order gain calibration in digitally-enhanced pipelined ADCs", IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, vol. 99

Tanguay L et Sawan M (2009). "An Ultra-Low Power ISM-Band Integer-N Frequency Synthesizer Dedicated to Implantable Medical Microsystems", Springer Analog ICs & Signal Proc. J.,, vol. 58, no 3, p. 205-214

Tanguay LF, Sawan M et Savaria Y (2009). "A Very-High Output Impedance Charge Pump for Low-Voltage Low-Power PLLs", Microelectronic Journal Elsevier, p. 1026-1031

Thibeault C et Hariri Y (2009). "CΔIDDQ: Improving Current-Based Testing and Diagnosis through Adapted Test Pattern Generation", IEEE Trans. on VLSI Systems

Varona J, Tecpoyolt-Torres M et Hamoui A (2009). "Design of MEMS vertical-horizontal chevron thermal actuators", Elsevier Journal of Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, vol. 153, no 1, p. 127-130

Varona J, Tecpoyolt-Torres M, Ecobedo-Alatorre J, Hamoui A et Sanchez-Mondragon J (2009). "Polysilicon thermal micro-actuators for heat scavenging and power conversion", Spie Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS , vol. 8, no 2

Wan F, Zhu WP et Swamy SMN (2009). "A Signal-Perturbation-Free Whitening-Rotation-Based Approach for MIMO Channel Estimation", Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 57, no 8, p. 3154-3166

Wu C, Zhu WP et Swamy SMN (2009). "Generalized Polyphase Structure-Based Mth-Band Filter Design and Application to Image Interolation", Microelectronics Journal, vol. 40, no 11, p. 1634-1643

Wu W, Ahmad MO et Samadi S (2009). "Discrimant analysis based on modified generalized singular value decomposition and its numerical error analysis", IET Computer Vision, vol. 3, no 3, p. 159-173

Yao L, Khan R, Chodavarapu V, Tripathi V et Bright F (2009). "Sensitivity Enhanced CMOS Phase Luminometry System using Xerogel-based Sensors", IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, vol. 3, p. 304-311

Yu S, Ahmad MO et Swamy SMN (2009). "Video denoising using motion compensated 3D wavelet transform with integrated recursive temporal filtering", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology

Zaki M, Denman W, Tahar S et Bois G (2009). "Integrating Abstraction Techniques for the Formal Verification of Analog Designs", International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer

Zaki MH, Denman W, Tahar S et Bois G (2009). "Integrating Abstraction Techniques for Formal Verification of Analog Designs", Joural of Aerospace Computing, Information, and Communications, vol. 6, p. 373-392

Zhang J, Dziong Z, Gagnon F et Kadoch M (2009). "Multiuser detection based MAC design for Ad Hoc networks", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 8, no 4, p. 1836-1846

Zhao R, Yang L et Zhu WP (2009). "Transmission scheme and performance analysis for decode-and-forward MIMO two-way relay systems", Science in China Series F: Information Science, vol. 52, no 12, p. 2308-2316