

Actes de colloque (2005)

Akbarpour B, Tahar S et Dekdouk A (2005). "Formalization of Fixed-Point Arithmetic in HOL; ", Formal Methods in System Design, vol. 27, no 1 et 2, p. 173-200

Bellemare F, Pecchiari M, Bandini M, Sawan M et D'Angelo E (2005). "Reversibility of Airflow Obstruction by Hypoglossus Nerve Stimulation in Anesthetized Rabbits", American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medecine, vol. 172, p. 606-612

Bouguezel S, Ahmad MO et Swamy SMN (2005). "A Note on Split-Radix-2/2 2-D Fast Fourier Transform", Signal Processing Lettrs, vol. 12, no 3, p. 18

Boyogueno-Bende A, Sawan M et Slamani M (2005). "Design for Stability of High-Speed Integrated Photoreceivers", Springer Analog Ics & Signal Proc. J., vol. 45, no 1, p. 79-98

Buffoni LX, Sawan M et Coulombe J (2005). "Image Processing Strategies Dedicated to Visual Cortical Stimulators: A Survey", Artificial Organs Journal, vol. 29, no 8, p. 658-664

Chabini N, Aboulhamid EM, Chabini I et Savaria Y (2005). "Scheduling and optimal register placement for synchronous circuits derived using software pipelining techniques", ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems, vol. 10, p. 187-204

Chattophadyay A et Zilic Z (2005). "GALDS: A Complete Framework for Designing Multi-clock ASICs and SoCs", IEEE Transactions on VLSI, vol. 13, no 6, p. 641-654

Chenard J, Khalid A, Zhang R et Zilic Z (2005). "Expandable and Robust Laboratory for Microprocessor Systems", Proceedings of IEEE Microelectronics Systems Education Conference MSE

Chiper D, Swamy SMN, Ahmad MO et Stouraitis T (2005). "Systolic algorithms and a memorybased design approach for a unified architecture for the computation of DCT/DST/IDCT/IDST", IEEE Transaction on Circuits and Systems I., vol. 52, p. 1125-1137

Claveau D et Wang C (2005). "An architecture for a VLSI sensory-motor system for obstacle avoidance", Robotics and Autonomous Systems, vol. 50, no 1, p. 1-11

Coulombe J, Carniguian S et Sawan M (2005). "A Power Efficient Electronic Implant for a Visual Cortical Stimulaotr", Artificial Organs Journal, vol. 29, no 3, p. 233-238

Deergha Rao K, Swamy SMN et Plotkin EI (2005). "A Nonlinear Adaptive Filter for Narrowband Interference Mitigation in Spread Spectrum Systems", Signal Processing, vol. 85, p. 625-635

Djebbi M, Assi A et Sawan M (2005). "Design of Monolithic Tunable CMOS Band-Pass Filter Using Current Feedback Operational Amplifiers", Springer Analog Ics & Signal Processing Journal, vol. 45, no 2, p. 143-154

Elek F, Abhari R et Eleftheriades GV (2005). "A Uni-directionnal Ring-Slot Antenna Achieved by Using an Electromagnetic Band-Gap Surface", IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 53, no 1, p. 181-190

Farzin F et Ahmad MO (2005). "A Fast Algorithm for Motion Estimation under the Varying Inter-Frame Brightness Characteristics", Journal of Electronic Imaging Journal, vol. 14, no 4, p. 1-7

Guo M, Ahmad MO, Swamy SMN et Wang C (2005). "FPGA design and implementation of a lowpower systolic array-based adaptive Viterbi decoder", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I, vol. 52, no 2, p. 350-365

Habibi A et Tahar S (2005). "On the Transformation of SystemC to AsmL using Abstract Interpretation", Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 131, p. 39-49

Hajri Z, Boukadoum M, Hamam H et Fontaine R (2005). "Generation of fast interpreters for Huffman compressed byte code", Science of Computer Programming, vol. 57, no 3, p. 295-317

Hu Y et Sawan M (2005). "A Fully Integrated Low-Power BPSK Demodulator for Implantable Medical Devices", IEEE Transactions on CAS I., vol. 52, no 12, p. 2552-2562

Hu Y, Sawan M et El-Gamal M (2005). "An integrated power recovery module dedicated to implantable electronic devices", Springer Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing International Journal, vol. 42, no 3, p. 171-181

Kabbani A, Al-Khalili D et Al-Khalili A (2005). "A Simple and Fast Carrier Recovery Algorithm for High-Order QAM", IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 9, no 10, p. 918-920

Kabbani A, Al-Khalili D et Al-Khalili A (2005). "Efficient DSP core implementation and subsequent experimental results", EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, vol. 2005, no 7, p. 1071-1081

Kassem A, Sawan M et Boukadoum M (2005). "A New Digital Scan Conversion Architecture for Ultrasonic Imaging Systems", Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers (JCSC), vol. 14, no 2, p. 367-382

Kassem A, Sawan M, Boukadoum M et Haidar A (2005). "Perception SoC based on an ultrasonic array of sensors: Efficient DSP core implementation and subsequent experimental results", EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, vol. 7, no 11, p. 1071-1081

Khali H, Savaria Y et Houle J (2005). "A System Level Implementation Strategy and Partitioning Algorithm for Applications Based on Lookup Tables", International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, vol. 31, p. 485-502

Latendresse M et Feeley M (2005). "A Low Complexity Adaptive Multiuser Detector and FPGA Implementation for Wireless DS_WCDMA Communication Systems", EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing - Special Issue on Designs Methods for DSP Systems

Li K, Swamy SMN et Ahmad MO (2005). "An improved voice activity detection using higher order statistics", IEEE Transaction on Speech and Audio Processing, vol. 13, p. 965-974

Lu Z, Hu Y et Sawan M (2005). "A 900 mV 66 uW Sigma-Delta Modulator Dedicated to Implantable Sensors", IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, vol. E88-D, no 7, p. 1610-1617

Martel S (2005). "Fundamentals Principles and Issues of high-speed piezo-actuated three-legged motion for miniature robot designed for nanometer-scale operations", International Journal of Robotics Research, vol. 24, no 7, p. 575-588

Martel S (2005). "Special surface for power delivery to wireless micro-electro-mechanical systems", Journal of Micromechatronics and Microengineering, vol. 15, p. S251-S258

Mathieu JB, Martel S, Yahia L, Soulez G et Beaudoin G (2005). "Preliminary investigation of the feasibility of magnetic propulsion for future microdevices in blod vessels", Biomedical Materials and Engineering, vol. 15, p. 367-374

Mathieu JB, Martel S, Yahia L, Soulez G et Beaudoin G (2005). "Preliminary investigation of the feasibility of magnetic propulsion for future microdevices in blood vessels", BioMedical Materials and Engineering, vol. 15, p. 367-374

Nicolescu B, Gorse N, Savaria Y, Aboulhamid EM et Velazco R (2005). "On the use of model checking for the verification of a dynamic signature monitoring approach", Nuclear Science IEEE Transactions , vol. 52, no 5, p. 1555-1561

Normandin F, Sawan M et Faubert J (2005). "A New Integrated Front-End for a Non-Invasive Brain Imaging System Based on Near-Infrared Spectroreflectometry", IEEE Transactions on CAS-I, vol. 52, no 12, p. 2663-2671

Saaied H, Al-Khalili D, Al-Khalili A et Nekili M (2005). "An investigation of the physical forces leading to thrombosis disruption by cavitation", Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis, vol. 20, no 1, p. 27-32

Saaied H, Al-Khalili D, Al-Khalili A et Nekili M (2005). "Simultaneous Adaptive Wire Adjustment and Local Topology Modification for tuning a Bounded Skew Clock Tree", IEEE Transactions on Computer Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 24,

Samadi S, Ahmad MO et Swamy SMN (2005). "Complete Characterization of Systems for Simultaneous Lagrangian Upsampling and Fractional Sample Delaying", IEEE Transaction on Circuits CAS-PartI, vol. 52, p. 656-667

Samadi S, Ahmad MO et Swamy SMN (2005). "Ramanujan sums and discrete Fourier transforms", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 12, p. 293-296

Samadi S, Ahmad MO et Swamy SMN (2005). "Z-transform of quantized ramp signal", IEEE Transaction on Signal Processing, vol. 53, p. 380-383

Sawan M, Hu Y et Coulombe J (2005). "Wireless Smart Implants Dedicated to Multichannel Monitoring and Microstimulation", IEEE Circ. & Sys. Mag., vol. 5, p. 21-39

Wang C et Devos F (2005). "An approach to design and implementation of electrical-supply-free VLSI circuits", IEE Proceedings - Circuits, Devices and Systems, vol. 152, no 3, p. 272-278

Xiong H, Swamy SMN et Ahmad MO (2005). "Optimizing kernel in empirical feature space", IEEE Transaction on Neural Networks, vol. 16, p. 460-474

Xiong H, Swamy SMN et Ahmad MO (2005). "Two-Dimensions FLD for Face Recognition", Pattern Recognition, vol. 52, no 11, p. 2490-2500

Zhu W, Yan Y, Ahmad MO et Swamy SMN (2005). "A feedforward symbol timing recovery technique using two sample per symbol", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, vol. 52, no 11, p. 2490-2500