
Conference proceedings (2007)

Abderrahman A, Savaria Y, Khouas A et Sawan M (2007). "Accurate Testability Analysis Based-on Multi-Frequency Test Generation and New Test Metric", dans 50th IEEE Int'l Midwest Symposium on Circuits & Systems/5th IEEE Int'l Northeast Workshop on Circuits

Abderrahman A, Sawan M, Savaria Y et Khouas A (2007). "New Analog Test Metrics Based on Probabilistic and Deterministic Combination Approaches", dans IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, ICECS, Marrakech, Maroc, p. 82-85

Abed S et Ait Mohamed O (2007). "Towards the verification of MDGs basic operations in HOL theorem prover", dans Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics International Conference on Theorem Proving in Higher- Order Logics (TPHOLs'2007)-BTrack Emerging Trends

Abed S, Al-Sammane G et Ait Mohamed O (2007). "Symbolic Simulation based Reduction Technique for MDGs", dans First International Workshop on Verification and Evaluation of Computer Systems, VEoCS'2007

Abhari R (2007). "Teaching Electromagnetic Compatibility with Emphasis on Signal Integrity in Designing Simulation and Laboratory Experiments", dans IEEE (AP-S) Intl. Symp. on Antenna and Propagation, Hawaii

Agba BL, Gagnon F et Kouki A (2007). "Analysis of second order statistics and system performances in mobile ad hoc networks: Theory and simulation ", dans the 11th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI 2007), , Orlando

Agba BL, Gagnon F et Kouki A (2007). "Effects of double mobility over channel statistics and system performances in high dynamic ad hoc networks", dans IEEE AP-S 07, Honolulu, Hawaii

Alam S, Kabir Z et Kahrizi M (2007). "Modeling of photocurrent transient response in a-Si:H p-i-n photodiode", dans Proc. 13th Canadian Semiconductor Technology Conference, p. 79-82

Allidina K, Nguyen S, El-Gamal M et Jen CK (2007). "A prototype control system including wireless communications capabilities for ultrasonic applications", dans The International Workshop on Smart Materials and structures (CANSMART'07), p. 315-324

Al-Sammane G et Ait Mohamed O (2007). "Formal Verification of System Level Designs: A GSM Vocoder Case Study", dans IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, CCECE'06

Al-Sammane G, Zaki M et Tahar S (2007). "A Symbolic Methodology for the Verification of Analog and Mixed Signal Designs", dans IEEE/ACM Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE'07), Nice, France,

Al-Sammane G, Zaki M, Dong Z et Tahar S (2007). "Towards Assertion Based Verification of Analog and Mixed Signal Designs Using PSL", dans Languages for Formal Specification and Verification, Forum on Specification & Design Languages (FDL'07), , Barcelona,

Amiri MA, Khouas A et Boukadoum M (2007). "On the Timing Uncertainty in Delay-Line-based Time Measurement Applications Targeting FPGAs», May 2007.", dans IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS, New Orléans

An S et Wang C (2007). "A recursive algorithm for 2-D DCT", dans URSI International Symposium on Signals, Systems & Electronics, Montréal, p. 335-338

André W et Martel S (2007). "Acting on nanoparticles embedded in magnetotactic bacteria to implement propulsion and steering for microrobots", dans The 7th IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO), Aug. 2-5, 2007 , Hong Kong,

André W et Martel S (2007). "Preliminary design of an autonomous microrobot propelled by magnetotactic bacteria,", dans IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2007), Zürich,(Suisse)

Arbabi N, Devabhaktuni VK et Yagoub M (2007). "Application of EM coupling CAD model to nonlinear integrated circuit simulation", dans Asia-Pacific Microwave Conf., Bangkok, Thailand

Arbabi N, Najmabadi M, Devabhaktuni VK et Yagoub M (2007). "A new SQP based spacemapping algorithm for on-chip spiral inductor optimization", dans CCECE, Vancouver

Ayoub AÉ, Gosselin B et Sawan M (2007). "A Microsystem Integration Platform Dedicated to Build Multi-Chip Neural Interfaces", dans IEEE-EMBS

Beeckler JS et Gross W (2007). "A Methodology for Prototyping Flexible Embedded Systems", dans Proc. IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE 2007)

Ben Sik Ali O, Agba BL, Cardinal C et Gagnon F (2007). "Performances Simulation of Flat Fading Channels in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks", dans ISSSE conference, Montréal

Benamrane I et Savaria Y (2007). "Design Techniques for High Speed Current Steerintg DACs", dans 50th IEEE Int'l Midwest Symposium on Circuits & Systems/5th IEEE Int'l Northeast Workshop on Circuits & Systems, (NEWCAS ET MWSCAS), Montréal

Bergeron É, Feeley M et David JP (2007). "Toward on-Chip JIT Synthesis on XilinxII-Pro FPGAs", dans MWSCAS/NEWCAS'2007, Montréal

Bhuiyan M, Ahmad MO et Swamy SMN (2007). "New Spatially Adaptive Wavelet-Based Method for the Despeckling of Medical Ultrasound Images", dans IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, New Orleans, Lousiana

Bhuiyan M, Ahmad MO et Swamy SMN (2007). "Wavelet-Based Despeckling of Medical Ultrasound Images with the Symmetric Normal Inverse Gaussian Prior", dans IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Honolulu, Hawaii

Binet V, Savaria Y, Meunier M et Gagnon Y (2007). "Modeling the Substrate Noise Injected by a DC-DC Converter", dans 11th ISCAS, New Orléans, p. 309-312

Bouchebaba Y, Nicolescu EG, Girodias B, Lavigueur B et Paulin P (2007). "MPSoC Memory Optimization for Digital Camera Application", dans 10th Euromicro Conference on Digital Systems Design, Lübeck en Allemagne

Bouchebaba Y, Nicolescu EG, Girodias B, Lavigueur B et Paulin P (2007). "Two level tiling for MPSoC architecture", dans IEEE ASAP 2007, Montréal, p. 314-319

Boulé M et Zilic Z (2007). "Efficient Automata-Based Assertion-Checker Synthesis of SEREs for Hardware Emulation", dans 12th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference, ASP-DAC2007, p. 324-329

Boulé M, Chenard JS et Zilic Z (2007). "Assertion Checkers in Verification, Silicon Debug and In-Field Diagnosis", dans Intl. Symposium on Quality Electronic Design, ISQED 2007

Boulianne L, Dumontier M et Gross W (2007). "A Stochastic Particle-Based Biological System Simulator", dans the SCS/ACM 2007 Summer Computer Simulation Conference (SCSC 2007), San Diego, CA, p. 794-801

Bourduas S et Zilic Z (2007). "A Hybrid Mesh/Ring Interconnect for Network-on-Chip Using Hierarchical Rings for Global Routing", dans ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Networks-on-chip, NOCS 2007, Princeton, p. 195-204

Bourduas S et Zilic Z (2007). "Latency Reduction of Global Traffic in Wormwhole-Routed Meshes Using Hierarchical Rings for Global Routing", dans IEEE Intl. Conf. on Application-specific Sys. Arch. Processors, ASAP'07, Montréal, p. 302-307

Brière M, Gheoghe L, Nicolescu EG et O’Connor I (2007). "Towards the High-Level Design of Optical Network on Chip", dans IEEE ICECS 2007, Marrakech, Maroc, p. 427-430

Brière M, Girodias B, Bouchebaba Y, Nicolescu EG et O’Connor I (2007). "Architectural Exploration of Optical and Electrical Interconnects in MPSoC", dans IEEE NEWCAS/MWCAS'07, Montréal, p. 1469-1473

Brière M, Girodias B, Nicolescu EG, O’Connor I et Mieyeville F (2007). "Optical Network on Chip Evaluation in a System Level MPSoC Platform using Multimedia Applications", dans IEEE DATE 2007, Nice, p. 1084-1089

Cartwright AN, Chodavarapu V, Kim SJ, Titus AH, Bukowski RM et Bright FV (2007). "CMOS Microsystems for Phase Fluorometric Biochemical Monitoring", dans IEEE/URSI ISSSE, Montreal

Chan H et Zilic Z (2007). "A Performance Driven Layout Compaction Optimization Algorithm for Analog Circuits", dans IEEE Intl. Symp. Circuits Systems, ISCAS 2007, New Orléans, p. 2934-2937

Chan H et Zilic Z (2007). "Modeling of Simultaneous Switching Noise-Induced Jitter for System-on-Chip Phase-Locked Loops ", dans ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference, DAC07

Chandrasekaran A, Packirisamy M, Rakheja S et Devabhaktuni VK (2007). "A hybrid integrated microfluidic lab-on-a-chip on silicon platform for high throughput fluorescence based bio-assays", dans EMTM2N, Pilani, India

Chanu A et Martel S (2007). "MRI driven nano biosensor for wireless physiological data measurements using deformable polymers coated magnetoelastic devices", dans The 7th IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO), Hong Kong,, p. 166-170

Chanu A et Martel S (2007). "Real-time software platform design for /in vivo/ navigation of a small ferromagnetic device in a swine carotid artery using a magnetic resonance imaging system", dans 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineerin

Châtelain B et Gagnon F (2007). "Multiplierless Evolutionary Filter Design", dans International Symposium on Signals, Circuit and Systems (ISSCS) 2007, Iasi, Romania

Châtelain B, Gagnon F et Kouki A (2007). "A Systemic Approach to Combined Linearization and Efficiency Improvement for Power Amplifiers", dans European Microwave Week 2007 (EuMW) 2007., Munich

Châtelain B, Mannor S, Gagnon F et Plant D (2007). "Non-Cooperative Design of Translucent Networks", dans GLOBECOM 2007, Washington, DC

Chattopadhyay A et Zilic Z (2007). "Reconfigurable Clock Distribution Circuitry", dans IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2007, New Orléans, p. 877-880

Chebli R, Sawan M et Savaria Y (2007). "High-Voltage DMOS Integrated Circuits with Floating Gate Protection Technique", dans ISCAS 2007, New Orléans, p. 3343-3346

Cheung B, Lynch B et Al-Khalili A (2007). "Low power design of Motion Compensation Module for MPEG-4 Video Transcoder in DCT-domian" In proc. of MWCAS '07, Montréal, Aug. 2007.

Chopp PM et Hamoui A (2007). "ìDiscrete-time modeling of clock jitter in continuous-time modulators", dans IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), New Orléans

Clément J, Boukadoum M, Charlson J, Starikov D et Bensaoula A (2007). "High-speed front end for LED-Photodiode based fluorescence lifetime measurement system", dans ISCAS 2007, p. 3578-3581

Constantin N, Zampardi P et El-Gamal M (2007). "A gated envelope feedback technique for automatic hardware conditioning of RFIC PA's at low power levels", dans The IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium 2007 (IMS'07), Hawaii, USA, p. 139-142

Denomme R, Lu Z et Martel S (2007). "A microsensor for the detection of a single pathogenic bacterium using magnetotactic bacteria-based bio-carriers: simulations and preliminary experiments.", dans 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engin

Doljanu A et Sawan M (2007). "3D Shape Acquisition System Dedicated to a Visual Intracortical Stimulator", dans IEEE-ISCAS

Dong Z, Zaki M, Al-Sammane G, Tahar S et Bois G (2007). "Checking Properties of PLL Designs using Run-time Verification", dans IEEE International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM'07), Cairo, Egypt, p. 125-128

Dubois P, Chamberland M, Genest J et Roy S (2007). "FPGA SoC architecture for imaging FTS realtime data processing", dans Fourier Transform Spectroscopy and Hyperspectral Imaging and Sounding of the Environment (FTS/HISE), Santa Fe, Nouveau-Mexique

El Fouladi J, Zhao L, Savaria Y et Martel S (2007). "An Integrated Biosensor for the Detection of Bio-Entities Using Magnetotactic Bacteria and CMOS Technology", dans 29th IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS)Annual International Confere

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Ensandoust F, Gosselin B et Sawan M (2007). "Low-Power High-Accuracy Compact Implementation of Analog Wavelet Transforms", dans IEEE-NEWCAS 07, Montréal

Fan Y, Cai Y et Zilic Z (2007). "A High Accuracy, High Throughput Jitter Test Solution on ATE for 3 Gbps and 6 Gbps Serial-ATA", dans IEEE Intl. Test Conference, ITC'07, Rome

Fattah S, Zhu W et Ahmad MO (2007). "An Approach to Formant Frequency Estimation at Low Signal-to-Noise Ratio", dans IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Honolulu, Hawaii

Fattah S, Zhu W et Ahmad MO (2007). "An Identification Technique for ARMA Systems in the Presence of Noise", dans 20th IEEE Canadian Conference in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vancouver

Fattah S, Zhu W et Ahmad MO (2007). "An Identification Technique for Noisy Arma Systems in Correlation Domain", dans IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, New Orleans, Lousiana

Felfoul O, Mohammadi M et Martel S (2007). "Magnetic resonance imaging of Fe_3 O_4 nanoparticles embedded in living magnetotactic bacteria for potential use as carriers for /in vivo/ applications", dans 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Eng

Felfoul O, Pouponneau P, Mathieu JB et Martel S (2007). "MR imaging of FeCo nanoparticles, magnetotactic bacteria and Fe_3 O_4 microparticles for future drug delivery applications", dans The 7th IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO),

Fereydouni-forouzand F et Ait Mohamed O (2007). "A New 10 Gbps Traffic Management algorithm for High-speed Networks", dans IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS'2007, New Orléans

Futcha S, Thibeault C et Gagnon F (2007). "Predicting CPU Requirements With Variability Equations Of Zf-SQRD And Rake Receiver In A DSP Context", dans IEEE NEWCAS , Montréal

Futcha S, Thibeault C, Gagnon F et Agba BL (2007). "Extraction Of Primitives From Zf-Sqrd Algorithm For a DSP Platform", dans IEEE CCECE, Vancouver

Gagné R, Belzile J et Thibeault C (2007). "Architecture for Efficient GALS Support in Commercial FPGAs", dans NEWCAS07, Montréal

Gao S, Chabini N, Al-Khalili A et Langlois P (2007). "FPGA-based efficient design approach for large-size two's complement squarers", dans IEEE International Conference on Applicationspecific Systems, Architectures and Processors, Lyon

Gawanmeh A et Tahar S (2007). "Rank Theorems for Forward Secrecy in Group Key Management Protocols ", dans IEEE Int. Conf. on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (AINAW'07), Niagara Falls, p. 18-23

Ghafar-Zadeh E et Sawan M (2007). "A CMOS-Based Capacitive Sensor for Laboratory-On-Chips: Design and Experimental Results", dans IEEE-ISCAS

Ghafar-Zadeh E, Sawan M, Hajj-Hassan M et Miled AM (2007). "A CMOS Based Microfluidic Detector: Design, Calibration and Experimental Results", dans IEEE-NEWCAS 07, Montréal

Gheorghe L, Nicolescu EG et Boucheneb H (2007). "A Formalization of Global Simulation Models for Continuous/discrete Systems", dans Summer Computer Simulation Conference 2007, San Diego, USA

Hamine M, Audet Y et David JP (2007). "A Real Time Image Reconstruction Algorithm for an Integrated Fingerprint Sensor", dans IEEE-MDWS-NEWCAS 07, Montréal, p. 807-810

Hasan O et Tahar S (2007). "Formalization of Continuous Probability Distributions", dans 21st Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE-21), Bremen, Germany, p. 2-18

Hasan O et Tahar S (2007). "Verification of Expectation Properties for Discrete Random Variables in HOL", dans Int. Conference on Theorem Proving in Higher-Order Logics (TPHOLs'07), Kaiserslautern, Germany, p. 119-134

Hasan O et Tahar S (2007). "Verification of Probabilistic Properties in the HOL Theorem Prover", dans Int. Conf. on Integrated Formal Methods (IFM'07), Oxford, UK, p. 333-352

Hasan O et Tahar S (2007). "Verification of Tail Distribution Bounds in a Theorem Prover", dans Int. Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM'07), Corfu, Grece, p. 259-262

Hasan R et Savaria Y (2007). "Metastability Tolerant Mesochronous Synchronizer", dans 50th IEEE Int'l Midwest Symposium on Circuits & Systems/5th IEEE Int'l Northeast Workshop on Circuits & Systems, (NEWCAS ET MWSCAS), Montréal

Hasan S et Savaria Y (2007). "Crosstalk Effects in Event-Driven Self-time Circuits Designed with 90nm CMOS Technology", dans 11th ISCAS, New Orléans, p. 629-632

He Z, Roy S et Fortier P (2007). "FPGA implementation of LDPC decoders based on joint row-column decoding algorithm", dans IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), New Orléans, p. 1653-1656

He Z, Roy S et Fortier P (2007). "Lowering error floor of LDPC codes using a joint row-column decoding algorithm", dans IEEE Int. Conf. Comm. (ICC), Glasgow

He Z, Roy S et Fortier P (2007). "Powerful LDPC codes for broadband wireless networks : highperformance code construction and high-speed encoder / decoder design", dans Internat. Symposium on Signals, Systems, and Electronics (ISSSE), Montréal

Hireche N, Langlois P et Nicolescu EG (2007). "A Systolic Array for Sequence Comparison Based on Two Logic Levels Processing elements", dans IEEE NEWCAS/MWCAS'07, Montréal, p. 73-77

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Itradat A, Ahmad MO et Shatnawi A (2007). "A Processor Allocation os DSP Application onto Hetrogeneous Multiprocessor Architectures", dans 20th IEEE Canadian Conference in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vancouver

Itradat A, Ahmad MO et Shatnawi A (2007). "Architectural Synthesis of DSP Applications with Dynamically Reconfigurable Funtional Units", dans IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, New Orleans, Lousiana

Itradat A, Ahmad MO et Shatnawi A (2007). "Dynamically 7 Reconfigurable Adaptable Multi-Module Based Synthesis of DSP Data Flow Graphs", dans 20th IEEE Canadian Conference in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vancouver

Izquierdo R, Wang H, Pigeon S et Martel R (2007). "Memory effect in Organic Diodes Containing Self-assembled Gold Nanoparticles", dans E-MRS spring meeting, Strasbourg

Jego C et Gross W (2007). "Turbo Decoding of Product Codes based on the Modified Adaptive Belief Propagation Algorithm", dans the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2007), Nice, p. 641-645

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Kashi A, Kumar P, Caron M et Devabhaktuni VK (2007). "A space-mapping based CAD methodology for modeling temperature characteristics of combline resonators", dans Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symp., Beijing, China

Khan TH, Habibi A, Tahar S et Ait Mohamed O (2007). "Automatic Generation of SystemC Transactors from AsmL Specification", dans Languages for Formal Specification and Verification, Forum on Specification & Design Languages (FDL'07), Barcelona, Spain

Khan TH, Tahar S, Ait Mohamed O et Habibi A (2007). "Automatic Generation of SystemC Transactors from Graphical FSM", dans IEEE International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM'07), Cairo, Egypt, p. 257-260

Kim SJ, Chodavarapu V, Titus AH, Bright FV, Govindaraju V et Cartwright AN (2007). "CMOS Chemical and Biochemical Sensors using Nanostructured Materials", dans Digest of the IEEE LEOS Summer Topical Meetings, Portland

Kim SJ, Chodavarapu V, Titus AH, Cartwrigh AN, Swihart MT, Bukowski RM, Bright FV et Bunning TJ (2007). "Nanostructured porous polymeric photonic bandgap structures for sensing", dans SPIE Photonics West (BIOS), San Jose

Koné F et Peter YA (2007). "Independently adjustable silicon Bragg wavelength selector", dans SPIE Active Photonic Crystals, Optics & Photonics 2007, San Diego, USA

Koo JJ, Evans AC et Gross W (2007). "Accelerating a Medical 3D Brain MRI Analysis Algorithm using a High-Performance Reconfigurable Computer", dans IEEE International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL 2007), Amsterdam, p. 11-16

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Li D, Ait Mohamed O et Abed S (2007). "Towards First-Order Symbolic Trajectory Evaluation", dans IEEE 37th International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, ISMVL'07

Lin K et El-Gamal M (2007). "Performance and modeling of bonding wire transformers in a package for RF IC's", dans The IEEE International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM'07)

Lu Z et Martel S (2007). "Controlled bio-carriers based on magnetotactic bacteria", dans The 14th International Conference on Solid-state Sensors and Actuators, Lyon (France)

Lu Z, Denomme R et Martel S (2007). "Micro/Nanoparticle Detection: An Impedimetric Microsensor Based on CMOS Technology", dans The 7th IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO), Hong Kong,, p. 326-329

Lu Z, Denomme R et Martel S (2007). "Toward bacteria detection on chip: a biosensor based on magnetotactic bacteria and impedance spectroscopy", dans The 11th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences ('TAS), Paris (

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Martel S (2007). "Motion Tracking and Analysis System for Magnetotactic Bacteria", dans International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies (ISOT 2007), Lausanne (Suisse), p. 67180H.1-67180H.9

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Mathieu JB et Martel S (2007). "MRI-based magnetic navigation of nanomedical devices for drug delivery and hyperthermia in deep tissues", dans The 7th IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO), Hong Kong, p. 312-315

Mathieu S, Roy S et Chouinard JY (2007). "An innovative architecture for a non-ideal parallel subsampling wireless receiver", dans Internat. Symposium on Signals, Systems, and Electronics (ISSSE), Montréal

Miled AM, Ghafar-Zadeh E et Sawan M (2007). "Fast Decoding Algorithm for First Order DC-Input Sigma-Delta Modulators", dans IEEE-NEWCAS 07, Montréal

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Mounaim F et Sawan M (2007). "Miniature Implantable System Dedicated to Bi-Channel Selective Neurostimulation", dans IEEE-ISCAS

Naderi A, Sawan M et Savaria Y (2007). "A 1.8GHz CMOS Continuous-Time Band-Pass Delta-Sigma Modulator for RF Receivers", dans 50th IEEE Int'l Midwest Symposium on Circuits & Systems/5th IEEE Int'l Northeast Workshop on Circuits & Systems, (NEWCAS ET MWSCA

Naderi A, Sawan M et Savaria Y (2007). "A Fully-Integrated 580 μW ISM-Band Frequency Synthesizer for Implantable Medical Devices", dans IEEE-ISSCS

Najmabadi M, Devabhaktuni VK, Sawan M et Fallone C (2007). "Wavelet decomposition for the analysis of esophageal manometric data in the study of gastroesophageal reflux disease", dans IEEE Biological Circuits Systems Conf., Montreal, p. 207-210

Nelatury S, Sadiku M et Devabhaktuni VK (2007). "CAD models for estimating the capacitance of a microstrip interconnect: Comparison and improvisation", dans Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symp, Prague

Nguyen AT, Martel S, Mankiewicz M et Mohammadi M (2007). "Locomotion of a miniature robot based on synchronized vibrating actuation mechanisms", dans IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2007), Zürich (Suisse)

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Nougarou F, Massicotte D et Ahmed-Ouameur M (2007). "Adaptive Duplicated Filters and Interference Canceller For DS-CDMA Systems: Part I – Algorithm", dans IEEE-International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS'2007), New Orléans

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Pontikakis B, Bui HT, Boyer FR et Savaria Y (2007). "A Low Complexity High-Speed Clock Generator for Dynamic Frequency Scaling of FPGA and Standard-Cell Based Design", dans IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), New Orléans, p. 633-

Pontikakis B, Bui HT, Boyer FR et Savaria Y (2007). "Precise Free-running Period Synthesizer (FRPS) with Process and Temperature Compensation", dans 50th IEEE Int'l Midwest Symposium on Circuits & Systems/5th IEEE Int'l Northeast Workshop on Circuits & Sy

Pontikakis B, Bui HT, Boyer FR et Savaria Y (2007). "Precise Standard-Cell Based Clock Generator with Compensation for Process and Temperature Variations", dans Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems 2007, Montréal, p. 1118-1121

Rahman S, Ahmed A et Ait Mohamed O (2007). "Analysis and Performance Evaluation of a Digital Carrier Synchronizer for Modem Applications", dans IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS'2007, New Orléans

Rahman S, Ahmed A et Ait Mohamed O (2007). "FPGA Emulation Environment of Different Digital Carrier Synchronizers.", dans IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, MWSCAS/NEWCAS'07, Montréal

Rahman S, Ahmed A et Ait Mohamed O (2007). "FPGA Implementation and Performance Evaluation of a Digital Carrier Synchronizer using Numerically Controlled Oscillators", dans IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, CCECE'06

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Roy S (2007). "A flexible prototyping platform for 802.11 wireless LAN technology, présenté au Workshop on prototyping and testbeds for wireless systems,", dans International Symposium on Signals, Systems, and Electronics (ISSSE), Montréal

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